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OPSC (OAS) Sociology: Topic wise notes for Odisha PCS

All Odisha PCS Sociology notes arranged topic. The articles covers every single topic of OPSC (OAS) Sociology!

Important updates:

  • Please keep previous year Sociology questions with you when you go through this compilation
  • Don't make notes in the first reading - you can do it from second reading
  • Always remember - read only those sources that you can revise
  • To score extra mark in every question, it is important to quote value addition content specifically from Odisha
  • We have compilation of these value addition content specifically from Odisha
  • To access the Odisha specific content, register here


Foundations of Sociology

1. Sociology-The Discipline

  • Sociology as a science and as an interpretative discipline: Link 1 | Link 2

  • Sociology and its relationship with history, economics, political science, psychology and anthropology: Link 1 | Link 2 | Link 3 | Link 4 (Page 15)

2. Scientific Study of Social Phenomena

  • Problem of objectivity and value neutrality: Link 1

  • Elements of scientific method-concepts, theory and fact, hypothesis: Link 1 | Link 2 | Link 3

3. Techniques of data collection and analysis

  • Participant and quasi-participant observation: Link 1

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4. Pioneering contributions to Sociology:

  • Karl Marx: Historical materialism, alienation and class struggle: Link 1 | Link 2 | Link 3 (Page no: 96-150)| Link 4 (Page 1-13) | Link 5 (Page 7-10, 37-44, 45-48, 58-61, 49-56, 69-75)

  • Emile Durkheim : Division of labour, social fact, religion and society, suicide: Link 1 | Link 2 (Page 14-28) | Link 3 (Page no: 18-54) | Link 4 (Page 10-14, 22-27, 30-36, 49-56, 37-44)

  • Max Weber : Social action, ideal types, authority, bureaucracy, protestant ethic and the spirit of capitalism: Link 1 | Link 2 (Page no: 55-95) | Link 3 (Page 29-44) | Link 4 (Page 14-18, 27-30, 30-36, 62-69)

  • Talcott Parsons : Social system, pattern variables: Link 1

5. Marriage and Family

  • Social control; family, lineage, descent and property: Link 1

  • Changing structure of family and marriage in modern society; divorce and its implications; role conflicts: Link 1 | Link 2 | Link 3 | Link 4

6. Social Stratification

  • Theories of stratification-Marx, Davis and Moore and Melvin Tumin’s critique; forms and functions: Link 1 | Link 2 | Link 3 | Link 4

  • Class, different conceptions of class; class-in-itself and class-for-itself: Link 1

  • Caste and class; caste as a class: Link 1 | Link 2

7. Social Mobility

  • Types of mobility-open and closed models, Intra-and intergenerational mobility; vertical and horizontal mobility: Link 1 | Link 2

  • Social mobility and social change: Link

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8. Economic System

  • The impact of economic processes on the larger society: Link 1

  • Social aspects of division of labour and types of exchange: Link 1

  • Features of pre-industrial and industrial economic systems: Link 1

  • Industrialisation and social change: Link 1

  • Social determinants of economic development: Link 1

9. Political System

  • The nature of power-personal power, community power, power of the elite, class power, organisational power, power of the unorganised masses: Link 1 | Link 2 | Link 3 | Link 4

  • Authority and legitimacy: Link 1 | Link 2

  • Pressure groups and political parties; voting behaviour: Link 1

10. Educational System: 

  • Education and Culture; equality of educational opportunity: Link 1 | Link 2

  • Social aspects of mass education; problems of universalisation of primary education: Link 1 | Link 2

  • Role of community and state intervention in education: Link 1

  • Education as an instrument of social control and social change: Link 1

11. Religion:

  • Origins of religious beliefs in pre-modern societies: Link 1

  • The sacred and the profane; social functions and dysfunctions of religion: Link 1

12. Social Change and Gender Issues

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1. Historical Moorings of the Indian Society:

  • Traditional Hindu social organisation: Link 1

  • Socio-cultural dynamics through the ages: Link 1

  • Impact of Buddhism, Islam, and the West, factors in continuity and change:

  • More related links: Link 1 | Link 2

2. Caste System:

  • Caste among Muslims and Christians: Link 1

  • Change and persistence of caste in modern India: Link 1 | Link 2

  • Issues of equality and social justice: Link 1 | Link 2 | Link 3

  • Views of Gandhi and Ambedkar on caste: Link 1 | Link 2

  • Backward Classes Movement: Link 1 | Link 2

  • Mandal Commission Report and issues of social backwardness and social justice: Link 1

  • Emergence of Dalit consciousness:  Link 1

  • Backward caste movement: Link 1

3. Class Structure:

  • Class structure in India, agrarian and industrial class structure: Link 1 | Link 2

  • Emergence of middle class: Link 1

  • Emergence of classes among tribes: Link 1

  • Elite formation in India: Link 1

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4. Marriage, Family and Kinship:

  • Marriage among different religious and tribal groups, its changing trends and its future: Link 1

  • Family-its structural and functional aspects-its changing forms: Link 1

  • Regional variations in kinship systems and its socio-cultural correlates: Link 1

  • Impact of legislation and socio-economic change in marriage and family: Link 1 | Link 2

  • Generation gap: Link 1 | Link 2

5. Agrarian Social Structure:

  • Land tenure systems-historical perspectives: Link 1

  • Social consequences of land reforms and green revolution: Link 1 

  • Feudalism-semi-feudalism debates: Link 1

  • Emerging agrarian class structure: Link 1

6. Industry and Society:

  • Market economy and its social consequences: Link 1

7. Political Processes:

  • Working of the democratic political system in a traditional society: Link 1 | Link 2

  • Political parties and their social base; Link 1 | Link 2

  • Social structural origins of political elites and their orientations: Link | Link 1 | Link 2

  • Regionalism, pluralism and national unity: Link 1

  • Decentralisation of power: Link 1 | Link 2

8. Education:

  • Directive Principles of State Policy and primary education: Link 1

  • Educational inequality and change: Link 1

  • Education and social mobility: Link 1

  • The role of community and state intervention in education: Link 1 | Link 2

  • Universalisation of primary education: Link 1

  • Total Literacy Campaigns: Link 1 | Link 2

  • Educational problems of disadvantaged groups: Link 1

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9. Religion and Society:

  • Size, growth and regional distribution of different religious groups: Link 1

  • Educational levels of different groups; 

  • Problems of religious minorities: Link 1

  • Communal tensions; secularism: Link 1

  • Religious fundamentalism, religious reform movements: Link 1

10. Tribal Societies:

  • Distinctive features of tribal communities and their geographical spread: Link 1 | Link 2

11. Social Change and Development:

  • Endogenous and exogenous sources of change and resistance to change: Link 1

  • Processes of change- sanskritization and modernisation:  Link 1 | Link 2

  • Agents of change-mass media, education and communication: Link 1 | Link 2 | Link 3 | Link 4

  • Structural contradictions and breakdowns: Link 1

12. Major Social Issues

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